Public Photo Submissions for Film Location Requests

Ponds are Unique photos

Use this form to submit your unique photos for film location requests.


First, you must have photos in an online photo location such as Drop Box, flicker, Google, or some shareable, cloud based location. We cannot accept large amounts of photos in an email. If you are not familiar with this type of account, most of them are free. Send us an email to kathy.oxford [at] (subject: Photo%20Submission, body: I%20would%20like%20to%20submit%20my%20photo%20for%20the%20film%20library.%0AIt%20is%20located%20at%3A%0AThe%20date%20it%20was%20taken%20was%20approximately%3A%0A) and we'll tell you how to do this.

You must complete the form below in its entirety.

The Camera Ready liaison will submit photos to appropriate location companies but does not guarantee success, nor negotiate any agreements between the private property owner and the production company. Any agreements are solely the responsibility of the property owner and company. 

You may or may not be notified your property has been submitted, however, if selected, we will notify you of a visit for additional pictures. Pictures will be held with the Camera Ready Liaison for a period of 1 year or less and you may be asked for updated pictures if outdoors in different seasons.

The property owner must be the person submitting the photos, not the photographer unless the photographer is the property owner. 

Tips: Remember, before you start the form, you must have your photos in a cloud based, shareable folder.

  • Take photos in good light from all directions so location scouts can see what's around the structure you want to submit.
  • Interior photos should be well lit
  • Identify the photo with your name and what it is. Ex. Smith_Home_exterior or Smith_Pond or Smith_Spooky_Barn
  • Pictures do not need to be high resolution and can be taken with phone as long as it is clear and not blurry
  • Do not send actual pictures but send us a link to a folder within an online cloud location such as Drop Box, Google, etc. Large email files may not be able to send properly.
  • If your online gallery includes multiple folders of more than one site, make sure we are able to access all the folders in the link you provide us. Share the gallery/folder with kathy.oxford [at], the Camera Ready email.
  • Choose a date for when the picture was taken, it doesn't have to be exact but choose a day in the month it was taken. It should be within this year.
  • Current Start
  • Preview
  • Complete
Contact Information
The owner of the property, not its representative
Contact for Property Owner if different than Owner
Add city, state, zip, Actual address of site, if different from owner's address
Phone number of the Property Owner/Contact
Cell number of primary contact
Tell us what we are looking at: homes, outdoor scene, outdoor structures, what makes it unique? Any issues with access to the property? When was the photo taken? Be as descriptive as you want to.
The date the photos were taken.
By submitting this form, you agree that photos submitted may be shared with film production companies and no guarantees of success are expected. You agree to hold no liability to the Barnesville-Lamar County Industrial Development Authority, the City of Barnesville, City of Milner nor Lamar County for any issues that arise between you and any production company who contracts with you now or in the future. You also agree that you will not require payment of any kind for their use and become the property of the Barnesville-Lamar County Industrial Development Authority. The Authority will use them only for location submissions and any other use would be by written request to you and with your permission.